12 German Sayings From Germany You Should Know
12 German Sayings You Should Know
Learning a language goes beyond just words and grammar – it’s about getting to know the culture too! German is full of interesting sayings that give you a glimpse into how Germans think. Here are 12 popular German phrases that you should definitely know:
1. “Ich kriege so eine Krawatte”
- Translation: “I get such a tie.”
- Meaning: This funny expression means you’re really frustrated or angry – like you feel a tight knot in your throat, as if your tie is too tight!
- Example:
It really annoys me when my roommate steals my food.
2. “Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund”
- Translation: “The morning hour has gold in its mouth.”
- Meaning: It’s all about waking up early and being productive – like we say, “The early bird catches the worm.”
- Example:
Waking up early is the key to success!
3. “Übung macht den Meister”
- Translation: “Practice makes the master.”
- Meaning: Just like we say, “Practice makes perfect.” If you keep practicing, you’ll get better at anything.
- Example:
If you want to improve, keep practicing – Übung macht den Meister!
4. “Alle guten Dinge sind drei”
- Translation: “All good things come in threes.”
- Meaning: Germans believe that things work out well when they come in sets of three – whether it’s luck or success!
- Example:
After two failed attempts, it finally worked – good things come in threes!
5. “Da liegt der Hund begraben”
- Translation: “That’s where the dog is buried.”
- Meaning: This means you’ve found the real problem or hidden truth in a situation.
- Example:
Ah, now we know what the issue is – that’s the root of the problem.
6. “Leben wie Gott in Frankreich”
- Translation: “Live like God in France.”
- Meaning: It’s all about living the high life – enjoying luxury and comfort.
- Example:
With all that money, he’s living like a king – life is good!
7. “Kleine Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft”
- Translation: “Small gifts keep the friendship.”
- Meaning: A little gesture or gift can go a long way in keeping relationships strong.
- Example:
A small gift for a friend can make all the difference!
8. “Aus einer Mücke einen Elefanten machen”
- Translation: “Make an elephant out of a mosquito.”
- Meaning: Don’t make a big deal out of something small – stop exaggerating!
- Example:
You’re overreacting – don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.
9. “Jeder Topf findet seinen Deckel”
- Translation: “Every pot finds its lid.”
- Meaning: Everyone has a perfect match – it’s just a matter of time before you find yours.
- Example:
Don’t worry, you’ll find your perfect match someday!
10. “Die Katze aus dem Sack lassen”
- Translation: “Let the cat out of the bag.”
- Meaning: Just like in English, it means to reveal a secret or surprise before you’re supposed to.
- Example:
Oops! He accidentally revealed the surprise plan.
11. “Ende gut, alles gut”
- Translation: “All’s well that ends well.”
- Meaning: If things end positively, it doesn’t matter how hard or complicated they were at the start.
- Example:
It was a tough journey, but in the end, everything turned out fine.
12. “Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen”
- Translation: “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”
- Meaning: Don’t procrastinate! If you can do something today, get it done instead of waiting until later.
- Example:
Get it done now – don’t wait for tomorrow.
These fun German sayings give you a little peek into German culture and thinking. Want to learn more and dive into the German language? Join The Language SKOOL and start your language journey today!